Monday, September 10, 2007

Two Weeks To Go!

Time flies. It zips, zooms, and whizzes right on by. With only 2 weeks left, we are busier than usual this harvest season, but for the first time in many, many years it's not with putting up the harvest and preparing for Winter. Instead of closing down the garden, I am also closing down the house, and Mike is closing down the business. Well, his part of it anyway; Chris will keep going under the new name of 'Hubbell's Heating'.

I have sold or given away all my houseplants and the house seems naked without them. I keep hearing purring outside my window but Cleo is the only cat left on the farm. She'll be moving to her new home soon, maybe this afternoon if she comes 'round in time. (I think the others are letting me know they're doing well and are happy to have a safe home in our absence.) Kim & Joe are going to adopt my chickens too, bless them. As soon as Joe gets the coop finished, we'll figure out a way to wrangle and deliver 'the girls'. Oh, and Mogley bought our boat so it's almost still in the family!

My last big yard sale of the season was last week and it was a huge success. Thank you to Grandpa for the use of his carport and yard in town for my sale :-) So now that the boxes and bins of yard sale stuff are out of the way, there is a growing pile of boxes and bins ready for our move. We're packing light but it still adds up. And I've just started in on the kitchen.

My friend Karen is throwing a good-bye party for us this evening, before things get too hectic around here. And I have a tea date with a sweet sister-friend, Helewise, tomorrow. I'll sure miss my close friends here. I hope to eventually create a new network on the island, and to keep in touch with those still here on the mainland. In reality, I know that time and distance take their toll, but I appreciate knowing and having this circle of support while I do have it... and then releasing these angels as they drift away. It's okay... it's all good.

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