Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rainy Day Walkabout

Okay, now that I have thoroughly revamped my blog page, it's high time I added a new post... or maybe even two.  Let's get down to it, then!

Last week saw more of our usual winter weather pattern, with rain, rain, and more rain. Maybe a little drizzle to alleviate the monotony. Since it is still warm, this doesn't really slow us down much, but sometimes we forget that it is still a pleasant temperature outdoors when we have the windows closed against the high humidity and blowing precipitation. After all, it can be dark and dreary looking... until you venture outside and feel all that life-force of the gardens and jungle growing like mad around you.

The chickens don't mind the rain one little bit. Whoever coined the phrase "mad as a wet hen" sure didn't know squat about birds!

And then there are a few who prefer the view from the top perch. Maybe they're scoping out the best scratching ground!

The piggies appreciate the cooler temps... and the fresh juicy sugarcane Mike cuts for them each day.
Spot is so efficient at slurping the juice from the stalks and you can tell she loves it! The leftover stringy bits, called bagass, become part of the bedding.

This little piggy just got bought by a 4-H youngster, but we're keeping him here until she has her barn ready for him.

And let me just add, I love my new chore boots!  Perfect for tromping in and out of the coops during feeding and egg-collecting, across wet grass and jungle, and of course stomping in the occasional puddle!

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