Sunday, November 1, 2009

Home Again, Safe & Sound

An Nyung Ha Se Yo! ...which is actually slurred together to sound like: anyoahsayoh (accent on 'ah').

We made it home safe & sound, though sorely sleep-deprived. Until last night, we had gone 78 hours with a grand total of maybe 5-6 hours of sleep, none of it deep and not all at once. We are still working on catching up and readjusting to Hawaii timezone. It felt soooo good to sleep in our own comfy bed, I can't even begin to describe it.

The trip was wonderful! We both loved Korea, learned tons, made friends. I took 512 photos which I am already working on. And Mike took 404, some of which were short video clips. (Don't worry, I won't post them all!) I'm really glad we got to do this, to immerse ourselves in such a foreign culture. And I'm really glad to be back home again, too. I will write all about it after I get a bit more sleep.

One bad thing: my camera got cracked somehow on the way home. :-( As our girls both said, good that it was on the way home. Mike says he is getting me a new one for my birthday! :-)

Okay, that's it for now... need... sleep...

1 comment:

Ann Wurden said...

Yay!! Glad to hear you both are home safe and sound, can't wait to read more! Best to you both, Ann